Born in 1993, EOLIA is a multidisciplinary artist from Benin and Togo. With a keen focus on developing new and unconventional techniques, her works aim to explore identity, belonging, individuality.

Her exposure to art began very early. From the age of 7, her mother would take her to visit exhibitions and encourage her to express her creativity. Eolia grew up between several West African countries. Through her journeys, she would meet people from various cultural, religious and ethnical backgrounds. Those encounters, those conversations and those faces would later become the focus of her artistic practice.

After graduating, she moved to Spain where she started a career in Marketing. In 2020, the artist moved back to Mali, where she decided to dedicate her time solely to artistic expression and quickly developed her very distinctive artistic style.

An avid traveler and history lover. Through her journeys, EOLIA, has met people from various cultural, social and ethnical backgrounds. Those encounters, those conversations and those faces are the existential impulse of her artistic practice.

After graduating, she moved to Spain where she started a career in Marketing. In 2020, Eolia moved back to Mali, where, moved by the complex political and safety situation, she decided to dedicate her time solely to artistic expression.

Utilizing a vast array of mediums and techniques, she creates unconventional pieces that convey a powerful image. As an artist, she is on a constant quest to push existing boundaries and to experiment through the use of alternative materials such as mirror, denim, textile and wood. Eolia shapes, directs and layers materials into a striking three-dimensional effect. This play on light, superposition and contrast is the nucleus of her work.

 In her first series The Woman In The Mirror she developed a highly innovative technique using mirror as an artistic medium. The result is both strikingly lifelike and abstract.

In her work, Eolia breaks away from hyperrealism and from the quest of absolute perfection. Instead, with each piece, she draws the eye to a specific emotion, that she isolates and magnifies.

She currently lives and works in Bamako, Mali.



Née en 1993, EOLIA est une artiste plasticienne d’origine togolo-béninoise. Ses portraits explorent la quête d’identité, d’appartenance mais aussi d’individualité. Son travail est guidé par un questionnement constant et profond sur l'humanité.

Toujours fascinée par les Arts, c’est sa mère qui, dès l'âge de 7 ans, l'emmène visiter des expositions et l'encourage à exprimer sa créativité. Eolia grandi entre plusieurs pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Au cours de ses voyages, elle rencontrera des personnes de divers horizons culturels, religieux et ethniques. Ces rencontres, ces conversations et ces visages deviendront plus tard le cœur de sa pratique artistique.

Après le lycée, elle déménage en Espagne où elle débute une carrière dans le marketing. En 2020, Eolia décide de retourner au Mali, où, touchée par une situation politique et sécuritaire complexe, elle fait le choix de se consacrer exclusivement à l'expression artistique.

Loin de se cantonner à une seule forme d’expression, l’artiste explore divers médiums tels que le bois, le miroir et le denim. C’est à ce jeu de lumière, de superposition et de contraste que l’on reconnait sa signature. Eolia repousse les limites et expérimente sans relâche, elle crée ainsi des œuvres aussi peu conventionnelles qu’étonnantes.

Dans sa première série The Woman In The Mirror, elle développe une technique nouvelle consistant à utiliser le miroir comme médium à part entière. Le résultat est à la fois réaliste et abstrait.
Dans ses œuvres, Eolia ne recherche ni la perfection ni l'hyperréalisme : elle attire le regard sur une émotion spécifique, qu'elle isole et magnifie. Eolia réside et travaille à Bamako, Mali.